What We Offer
Automated whole tissue pipelines.
High Resolution Multi-spectral Imaging
We perform fluorescence multi-spectral imaging to visualize your targets of interest. The sub-micron resolution level of details reveals sub-cellular features of your data sets.
Deeper Understanding
Our imaging platform is non-destructive, and thus sample sections can be collected and probed for additional analysis.
We excel in creating whole tissue and organ reconstructions from small model systems such as mice and rats. Whole tissues are imaged by STP Tomography on our TissueCyte™ platform with flexible coronal or sagittal spacing and submicron in-plane resolution. This technology allows us to image the entire intact tissue sample without tissue clearing or complicated tissue processing. Tissue samples retain their native tissue integrity, thus creating rich fully aligned 3D datasets.
Our high-throughput imaging services allow the capacity to perform studies involving tens to hundreds of samples that deliver results with high statistical power and biomedical relevance. We also offer full brain atlasing and analysis packages, and can perform segmentation and quantification of the regional density distributions of your target of interest, thus providing an invaluable service for comparative analysis across cohorts of animal models.
Full Volume Datasets
No need to only analyze arbitrary portions of the sample. We can image the entire intact organ, and provide fully aligned 3D datasets that retain the native tissue integrity and that are representative of the whole organ.
Our high throughput pipelines provide comparative side-by-side imaging and analysis across multiple treatment vs control cohorts, easily allowing studies consisting of tens to hundreds of samples.